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Vedic Astrology

Unveiling the secrets of Vedic astrology and its profound impact on human existence



Instructor: Sushant ShhahLanguage: English

About the course


Learn the ancient Indian system of astrology based on Vedas and gain insights into the celestial bodies and their influence on human lives.

Key Highlights:

  • Understand the fundamentals of Vedic astrology
  • Explore the connection between astrology and Vedic philosophy
  • Learn to interpret birth charts and make accurate astrological predictions

What you will learn:

  • Comprehensive understanding of Vedic astrology
    Gain in-depth knowledge of the principles, concepts, and methodology of Vedic astrology.
  • Exploring the philosophical roots
    Discover the spiritual and philosophical foundations of Vedic astrology as it relates to human existence.
  • Analyzing birth charts
    Learn how to construct and analyze birth charts to understand planetary influences on an individual.
  • Interpreting planetary positions
    Develop the skills to interpret the effects of different planetary positions and their significance in astrological predictions.
  • Making accurate astrological predictions
    Master the techniques to predict future events and gain insights into various aspects of human life with precision.


What you’ll learn

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